Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Skin Tone Dye

I have been out of the dye, but now have it back in stock.  It may be not be available anymore after this is gone. So if you are interested in getting the three skin tone colors of brown tone, pink tone and peach tone, go to my website and look under the Dye catagory.  It is made for me and not available any place else.  Grab it while I got it.   Barb Keeling

Friday, May 18, 2012

Skin Tone Dye For Cloth Dolls

Several years ago I had some special Eco Safe Skin Tone dyes done. A brown, pink and peach Tone colors. We doll makers now have an easier time of getting the color fabric we wanted for our cloth dolls.  The best thing  is you can make your doll out the fabric we want to use, then after the doll is made simply paint the doll with the skin tone dye and it is a done deal. It would cost less than 25 cents to do this. It saves money in the long run for you can easily create exactly the tone of color you want. Mix a very small amount and paint the doll. To mix the colors you use one tiny drop at a time, mix it with water.  This is all safe dye, with no harmful smell.  Go to my site and order now.  You will be so happy you did.  You can mix any color you want.  www.keelingskrafts.com/catalog2    barbkeeling@aol.com

Thursday, May 17, 2012